Thrive Topics

Thrive as you continue your life’s journey. The sky’s the limit. Don’t buy the hype and don’t believe stereotypes masquerading as facts. You have the ability to grow and live life on your terms.

Each of the following topics can be presented as an interactive keynote speech or a workshop for your group. Shake up outdated thinking and expand the way you view—and experience—your future.

Don’t Act Your Age

Break the Rules, Defy the Norms, and Dare to Live from Who You Are

Identifying with a number locks you into outdated stereotypes and roles. It limits what you think you can do. Step outside of the box. Release yourself from from the habit of acting as if some old myths are your destiny. Break the rules and forget the “shoulds.” It’s time to set yourself free. Discover that you can be and do more than you ever imagined.

A Matter of Mind

How Your Perspective Affects Your Ability to Age Well

Your outlook affects your well-being in profound ways. People with a positive attitude about aging recover faster from surgery, delay the onset of chronic conditions, and live longer. What you believe and expect has a greater impact on your future than your genes. Shift your thinking. Learn to adopt a perspective that makes the rest of your life the best of your life.

What’s That You Say?

Communication Tips for Professionals Working with Older Adults

Employers, professors, medical personnel, facility managers—anyone working with older adults is at risk of having unconscious stereotypes about aging. That leads to bias and dismissive comments like “What do you expect at your age?” Learn evidence-based verbal and non-verbal techniques to enable you to obtain critical information while making the older adults you serve feel validated, respected, and understood.


For more information or to schedule a presentation for your group, click here.

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