Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve made greeting cards. At first they were crafted from crayons and construction paper, and later I made pen-and-ink drawings. Lately, I’ve been using PhotoShop and InDesign software and print them from my computer. The cards go out to friends and family on birthdays, Thanksgiving, and Valentine’s Day.
This year’s valentine got a reaction. Someone read the sentiment on the front and asked if that wasn’t a message better sent to young people. Really? I had purchased a photo I liked and added a message about following your heart. Sure, young people are told that all the time—to follow their heart, their dreams, their goals. But later in life it’s even more important to remember to listen to your heart. And it’s never too late to follow your heart, because if you’re still here, you still have something meaningful to do.
There’s a song I like by Dave Koz featuring the vocals of Dana Glover. Its title is “Start All Over Again” and the refrain begins: “But as long as you are breathing/You can start all over again/If your heart’s beating/You can start all over again.” Later the lyrics are: “The impossible is here and it’s crying out for you.” There is nothing about this message that applies only to the young. In fact, the artist makes it clear that it applies to anyone still living and breathing. As long as you are alive, you still have time to do whatever your heart is leading you to do now.
So don’t use age as an excuse, and don’t think it’s too late. It’s never too late. As long as you are breathing, you can follow your heart. Even if it’s for the first time.