Make the rest of your life the best of your life—from the inside out

Look younger. Live longer. That’s the promise hyped by countless sellers of products and procedures. But like Dorothy who visited the Land of Oz, you already hold the key—within. Each of us has the power to influence the way we age.

Rogena laughingOur attitude has greater impact on how well and how long we live than smoking, exercise, or genes. Research supports a long-established philosophy that as you change your thoughts, you change your life. Take charge of how you age by taking charge of how you think.

Stop conforming to arbitrary restrictions how_old_would_you_be because of your birth year. Release artificial limits and break the habit of identifying with a number.

The Spanish language suggests a way out. Instead of saying “I am sixty years old,” they say “Tengo sesenta años” which literally translates to “I have 60 years.” I have rather than I am—an important distinction.

Check out my blog below. See my new Thrive topics. If you’re ready to hold on to your self-confidence, sanity, and sense of humor while you continue to grow up, you’re just a click away!

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