
Two programs offer topics that can be presented in a keynote, workshop, or class format to fit your next event.wwg action rev pic

My new Thrive program is based on years of study and research on aging well. It includes topics to help you live longer and better—from within: Don’t Act Your Age (break the rules, defy the norms, and dare to live from who you are inside), A Matter of Mind (how your thoughts and perspective affect the way you age), and Now is the Perfect Time (unlock the door to a brighter next chapter).

The legacy program dates back to 1987 and has been presented for healthcare, corporate, and association clients across the country. The topics include The Power of Choice (based on my first book), No Buts About It! (overcoming barriers to important goals), and Are You Right-Side Up? (handling stress and managing change).

With close to 40 years of experience presenting to groups—as a corporate trainer, college professor, and professional speaker—and backed by graduate studies and research on aging, each topic is delivered with practical insights, humor, and energizing engagement for a stimulating addition to your next meeting.

To Thrive page.

To Legacy Topics page.


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