Acres of Diamonds

I’m still working on my next book, about conscious aging. It’s taken longer to finish than I’d expected, and part of the reason is I keep doing more research and more reading. I was about to order a few more books that were mentioned by Ashton Applewhite, the advocate against ageism. They were really good titles and the descriptions compelled me …

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Through a Dark Night

Sometimes getting older sucks. I know I am known for being an uplifting motivator, but let’s get real. Sometimes this whole aging thing really sucks. Like when loved ones make their transition. Like when you wake up with another part of your body in pain. Like when it looks like there’s nothing but trouble ahead. Superficial things, like seeing new wrinkles …

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A Non-Resolution?

I was flipping through the January issue of O, The Oprah Magazine when Martha Beck’s piece caught my eye. It is titled, “You Say You Want a Resolution…” Before reading it, I looked over the subheadings: Gain weight. Spend more. Make messes. Be self-involved. Forget what I’ve learned. It was as if she was turning traditional New Year’s resolutions on their …

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No Place Like Home

A family member recently made the shift from working in cold Indiana to retiring in sunny Nevada. A lot of people move to a warmer climate when they retire. After years of shoveling snow they look forward to enjoying better weather year ‘round. Each of us deserves to find the living environment that best suits us—now and in the future. As …

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It’s Not Always about Age

Too often I hear people say things like “It hurts, but what can I expect at my age?” Friends may complain that they can no longer walk or dance or hike or whatever as much or as fast as they used to, and they assume it has to do with getting older. But that’s not always the case. Not long ago, …

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Let’s Get Together

Reading another chapter in Ashton Applewhite’s book, This Chair Rocks, I found her discussion about having friends of all ages fascinating. She says that we tend to choose friends who are close to our own age. It’s nice when other share a common social history with you. Whoopi Goldberg once said that she knew it was time to end a relationship …

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Getting Real about Getting Old

I watched Glennon Doyle Melton recently on Oprah Winfrey’s “Super Soul Sunday” program. I had never heard of her before, but some of her ideas intrigued me, so I went to her blog, Momastery, to learn more. There I found a wealth of posts for “Truth Tellers & Hope Spreaders.” She bravely opens up about her battle with bulimia and alcoholism …

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Sticks and Stones…

I read a post published online about whether life is what you make of it. The piece was written by a graduate student in gerontology—the study of aging and older adults. Having recently completed a Masters of Gerontology myself, I was surprised by some of the language she used. In my gerontology classes, we were taught the negative impact of such …

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What’s Next for You?

A number of women I know are experiencing a shift. Either they are taking a fresh look at the direction their lives are going or they are about to step through a new doorway. Some were motivated by a sudden health change, others by retirement or workplace reductions, and a few simply got a strong feeling that it was time to …

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Discover What You Really Want

It’s funny how sometimes the things you’ve said come back to haunt you as if they were a brand-new message. I was listening to Rev. Michael Beckwith’s weekly radio program when I heard him interview Elisa Romeo, a licensed therapist and spiritual intuitive who helps people discover their soul contract or life purpose. In the 1980s, I followed the New Age …

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