Discover What You Really Want


It’s funny how sometimes the things you’ve said come back to haunt you as if they were a brand-new message. I was listening to Rev. Michael Beckwith’s weekly radio program when I heard him interview Elisa Romeo, a licensed therapist and spiritual intuitive who helps people discover their soul contract or life purpose.

In the 1980s, I followed the New Age movement as part of my spiritual path. One of the things that fascinated me was the concept of the soul contract—an agreement made by my soul before incarnating that set my purpose in this life. After listening to the interview, I visited Elisa’s website and read one of her blog posts in which she describes helping a client who was trying to decide whether or not to leave her job and move.

Elisa writes, “I asked her one of my favorite ‘get clear’ questions to help her gain perspective: ‘If you had 50 million dollars, what would you do?’”

That made me think about a workshop I gave for years called “No Buts about It!” In it, I helped participants explore and reach the goals and dreams that were most meaningful to them. In one exercise, they imagined that they had the power to manifest anything, no matter how impossible or far-fetched it seemed. I’d ask, “If money were no object, if what other people thought didn’t matter at all, what would you want to be doing?”

After 33 years of teaching college courses and 20-plus years as a motivational speaker, I’ve been reflecting on the next chapter of my life. What do I want to do now? Who do I want to be? Part of me feels most authentic when writing, but for some reason working on my next book has been a struggle. Some days I am on fire about moving from motivational speaking to giving informative talks on better aging, but other days I am less enthusiastic.

I read the rest of Elisa’s post. She suggested a way to move past being stuck so that we can begin to move in the direction our heart and our Soul want to go. Her prescription? Take time to daydream.

True to my type-A personality, I at first thought that seemed childish, lazy, and a waste of time. But then I remembered that meditate most days, and that’s a seemingly non-productive activity. So I released my resistance and kept reading. Elisa writes that daydreaming allows us to experiment with what feels right, what feels good.

She closed her post with this: “…if you are overwhelmed or stuck, try daydreaming for 5-10 minutes a day and see what your Soul wants to dream into reality.”

It’s been a while since I allowed myself the luxury of taking time to daydream. Elisa’s words resonated with me. Taking advantage of a beautiful morning with the sound of the wind blowing the leaves, I sat on my deck and just daydreamed. I have to admit, it brought me a fresh perspective. Give it a try.

If you want to check out Elisa Romeo’s website and her tools for exploring your life purpose, go to The blog post discussed here is called “Don’t Quit Your Day Dream.”

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